A large elm tree on the river road northwest of Lawrence

The Kansas River looking east from the Lecompton Bridge

Prairie grasses near Tonganoxie

Breidenthal Woods

Banks house near the Kansas River east of Leco

Overbearing apple tree in the Kansas River bottomland east of Lecompton

Bottomland farmyard west of Eudora

Tangled fencing at Banks pasture

Wooly mullein near Linwood

A coal train in a snowstorm north of Desoto

Lightning struck branch enclosed by tree growth at Gridley's Hill.

Dense riparian brush west of Lakeview on the south bluff along the Kansas River

Wild asparagus near Sibleyville

Osage orange south of Tonganoxie

Mrs. Schellhorn's garden in north Lawrence

Weeds at pasture's edge near Linwood

A small farm south of White Cloud

A kitchen garden west of Baldwin City

Overlooking the bottomlands south of Lansing

Aftermath of the spring burn west of Cassoday

Chert revealed by a spring burn south of Emporia

Flooded trees at Clinton Reservoir

A bog in Burcham Park

Driftwood at Tuttle Creek Reservoir

Campers along the Wakarusa east of Topeka

White Cloud

A farmstead at night west of Desoto

An abandoned farm near Stull

Wooly Mullein and cattle at sunset along the Palmyra Ridge

Scrap wire near Perry

Rusting barrel at Banks Pasture

Marsh grass at the edge of a pasture southwest of Lawrence

Penskey's Orchard

Osage orange near Blue Mound

Limestone outcrop on the south bluff over the Blue River near Stilwell

Arrow Rock

Lightning struck branch at Gridley's Hill

Rock Creek - early morning

Rock Creek west of Clinton Reservoir

Spring run off at Hole-in-the-Rock

Chinese elm tree east of Teeterville

A big cottonwood tree at Banks Pasture

Prairie grasses at Konza

After having resided in Paris for about a year and a half in 1985-86, I returned to Kansas.
My home state looked otherworldly to me.
I explored and photographed northeast, eastern and central Kansas with an exuberant joy I had never felt before.